How do you distinguish a transactional relationship from an emotional one? The report, Loyalty That Lasts published jointly by Cheetah Digital and CMO Council brings an important aspect of customer behavior to light: emotional loyalty. What is the intention behind your customer interactions? Is it just to make a sale? Or to establish a lasting bond—a bond that is not “predicated on savings, rewards or promotions”? Read More
Learn how to take back control of your attention span. Read More
When airports are screening passengers for a communicable disease, you know it’s serious. No one wants another H1N1. As of this writing, the Wuhan China outbreak of coronavirus has infected more than 800, killed 41 people, and found its way to the United States in two confirmed cases. No doubt tomorrow’s news will broadcast even larger numbers. Public health officials are still working to figure out exactly how the coronavirus is spreading, but they are clear on one point: It needs to be contained. Data visualization can help them do that.
When I was a child, I am told on reliable account, I would walk around our housing complex and take my thumb out of my mouth to ask neighbors, “Do you like me?” I had even pudgier cheeks back then, and my question came out as, “Do you dike me?” I’m guessing most everyone gave me a smile and thumbs up. Read More
The psychological impact of augmented reality (AR) can be used in an OOH advertising context to build emotional connections and bring consumers closer to a brand, research suggests. Read More
Teen Vogue has endured heavy criticism for publishing a fluffy Q&A with five female Facebook executives who ‘explained’ how the social network ‘protects elections’. What looked to be an undisclosed advertorial landed after the social network came under fire for its negative impacts on the democratic process ahead of the 2020 election. Read More
CMOs need to work with their CFOs to agree on a set of quantifiable marketing metrics that are relevant, insight-driven, and reliable. Read More
In the glory days of AOL Instant Messenger, back when screen names and away messages were serious literary pursuits, a mysterious chat maverick strode about the dial-up frontier and schooled legions of uncouth adolescents in the art of conversation. Who was this rogue wordsmith, this tireless vexer of pre-teen millennials? Surely no mortal could generate replies with such speed, charm, and unflinching certainty. Turns out it was a bot, an artificial chat companion named SmarterChild, and it was sublime. Read More