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Scroll through Apple’s list of top podcasts and you’ll see a lot of big names (including actual Hollywood celebrities). Read More
Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Stitcher | Google Play | Spotify
Scroll through Apple’s list of top podcasts and you’ll see a lot of big names (including actual Hollywood celebrities). Read More
A few years ago, I sent out a small survey to about 25 successful friends and asked them if their success had come from a plan/strategy or a random event. All of them said it all started with a random event. Read More
The external agency model typically follows a hierarchical structure with functional silos. Work moves from one silo to the next–from account services to planning to creative to production, for example. Read More
Research company Gartner recently announced that, partially at least, in response to the pandemic and its associated uncertainties, CMOs now rank ‘brand strategy’ as their top priority. As with any survey, we should consider the research skeptically — but since CMOs largely direct how they spend their budgets, it’s worth the industry that serves them considering what they might be looking for assistance with. Read More
Facebook has published a new set of reports which look at evolving digital media trends amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Read More
Confidence is Don Moore’s self-professed “singular obsession.” To be more specific, Moore, a management professor at the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley, who specializes in the psychology of decision-making, is preoccupied with overconfidence. Why do people sometimes think they’re more talented, smarter or more successful than they actually are? Why do they think they’re better than other people? Why are they so adamantly sure they’re right? Read More
Are you looking for ways to improve your business website in 2020? Want to know the techniques that can increase the number of leads your website generates? Read More
It seems I’ve been doing a lot of writing about free speech recently. Mostly it’s been about Facebook and its bogus claim that its irresponsibility in controlling its website is a reflection of a commitment to free speech. But there’s more…
Imagine you are offered a deal with your bank, where your money doubles every three days. If you invest just $1 today, roughly how long will it take for you to become a millionaire? Read More