At Studio Resonate, I spend my days working as a bit of an audio alchemist, blending sound science with sound art to help brands and agencies make sound decisions. And while the bulk of my work focuses on the use of audio in advertising, sonic branding and experiential activations, I also explore ways we can engage in “sonic interventions” by identifying problems in our lives, Read More
When you’re a leader, you rely on your team members to tell you the truth so you can make thoughtful decisions and feel confident that you know what’s going on. Most of them repay your trust with truthfulness (marked, on occasion, with a bit of self-serving spin). Read More
Lead generation is complicated.
Effectively going from start to finish often requires following a lengthy path that includes everything from developing a strategic plan to measuring performance.
An infographic (below) from Orbit Media Studios covers each essential element of that journey for digital marketers.
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Contextual, seamless advertising experiences are necessary to balance the delicate relationship between gamers and brands.
With gaming attracting more attention than ever – from players and brands alike – it’s vital that advertisers know how to play it right in the in-game space.
According to a new study by IAB UK, the majority of UK gamers are in favour of advertising if it allows them to access content for free, challenging previous reports that the gaming audience are advertising sceptics and high users of ad blockers.
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The world economy’s operating system is being rewritten. In this exclusive excerpt from the new book No Ordinary Disruption, its authors explain the trends reshaping the world and why leaders must adjust to a new reality.
In the Industrial Revolution of the late 18th and early 19th centuries, one new force changed everything. Today our world is undergoing an even more dramatic transition due to the confluence of four fundamental disruptive forces—any of which would rank among the greatest changes the global economy has ever seen. Compared with the Industrial Revolution, we estimate that this change is happening ten times faster and at 300 times the scale, Read More
Badass will be too feeble a word to describe Kristina Paider. Scriptwriter, story strategist and now author, Kristina brings in the techniques and philosophy of reel life scripting to real life, helping people and brands realise their goals whilst achieving their greatest potential. In this uplifting conversation with BrandKnew, published by ISD Global, Kristina unveils what makes her tick(or jump?) while also talking about her debut book ” The Hollywood Approach “, which definitely reads like a gutsy guide to living your next wildest dream. Watch the interview here.. Read More
With virtual Gucci handbag selling in Roblox game for more than real-life versions, as part of our deep dive on all things gaming we consider the opportunities fashion brands have in digital worlds where players are willing to spend serious money to create their own unique identities.
Odds are good that asking 20 people what content experience means will get you 20 different answers.
To some marketers, it’s about producing as many blog posts and emails as possible about topics related to what they’re selling, with the hope that prospects find something useful to choose from (admittedly, not a great experience for the consumer of that content). Others view it more broadly, and they include video, SEO, paid ads, and more in the mix (and, even then, the content consumer’s experience with the torrent of content is often not a priority for marketers).
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B2B marketing is boring, right?
Not necessarily.
A recent infographic (below) from LinkedIn Marketing Solutions explores how B2B marketing can be fascinating—and even brilliant—when it’s rooted in human emotions.