

Why building a ‘community’ is a B2B marketer’s best asset

By | ISDose | No Comments


Azadeh Williams explores how building a community in B2B marketing can unlock endless potential for your brand.

How often as marketers do we hear the same conversation in boardrooms at quarter end? Statements like: ‘We need to build a community around our brand.’ But then comes a groupthink committee producing ad hoc ideas, fragmented content sprints, rushed campaigns and agency retainers blown out of budget, and then a year later… still no community. Read More

Building an e-commerce business: Lessons on moving fast

By | ISDose | No Comments

blog-isdWith consumers moving online in reaction to coronavirus restrictions, companies will need to learn how to launch new e-commerce businesses quickly.

While the full implications of COVID-19 are still unknown, it’s clear that the impact on retail is already significant. Emerging evidence points to a significant shift, as customers scale back their shopping in stores and instead go online. Read More