Just as a flickering lightbulb signals it’s about to quit, employees often signal they are on the verge of burning out.
Podcasting was once a niche audio platform, but it has emerged today as a powerful marketing tool. Just like people grew accustomed to cable TV and DVRs, they are now used to consuming on-demand audio content.
We work for decades, yet for most of us, there are a handful of moments in time that define the course of our leadership career. Unfortunately, these moments — opportunities or crises — don’t come with a caption suggesting, “Hey, pay attention and embrace this mess because it’s going to turn out to be important to you.” For individuals who choose to lead, it pays to see the signposts. Here are three significant moments in the career of everyone who leads that merit your complete engagement. Read More
Trends for the future of marketing prioritize meeting customers where they are — primarily, on their phones — and embracing innovative technologies, such as nonfungible tokens
We all know the power of envy, the green-eyed monster. Although we might not want to admit it, many of us have felt the occasional pang of jealousy when a friend or colleague has achieved something aspirational. We live in a competitive and, at times, cut-throat world. So we can easily become preoccupied with thoughts about being the best, gaining the biggest advantage, or getting the most views, clicks, or likes. It’s understandable: There are real economic drivers behind high performance and winning in the marketplace. But this comparison-based competitiveness can be dangerous and destructive on both an organizational and personal level.
Today’s fastest-growing brands participate in digital communities to earn engagement and loyalty—and do so with high returns and low risk by harnessing agile test and learn.
Held in a virtual format for the second year in a row, Sephora’s annual Sephoria event last week was the latest example of a beauty company leaning into the metaverse.
With 16,000 attendees globally, this year’s September 18 event added an NFT giveaway and more interactive games to the virtual “house party” format unveiled in 2021.
Amazon Echo, Amazon Halo Band, even Amazon Astro. The list goes on, but here’s why hardware is at the core of a much bigger strategy for the ecommerce giant. It may be best-known as an online retailer, but Amazon has also grown into a giant of the tech world with a vast portfolio of devices, from e-readers to video doorbells and everything in between.