

Trapped in the WHINEyard?

By | ISDose | No Comments

d19d5sz0wkl0lu.cloudfrontThe only thing that whining or complaining does is to convince other people that you are not in control. Helpful? Far from it. And for all those who are under the mistaken impression that whining burns calories, sorry to disappoint doesn’t!!
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How technology is helping to revolutionize real-time collaboration

By | ISDose | No Comments

Digital transformation is helping to forge stronger teamwork—even during the often-difficult M&A process

If we can take away one positive from the pandemic, it was that it inspired companies to fast-track their use of technology. This digital transformation is fundamentally changing the way firms operate, from how they produce goods to how they fuel growth and spark innovation.
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KNOWstalgia Marketing!

By | ISDose | No Comments
I thought there is so much to know to about Nostalgia- so, here I go again!

what-is-marketing-1024x5721-1was the summer of 2018. On a trip to London, I was with family at a South Bank store that sold books, records, memorabilia among other things.