A picture is worth a thousand search queries. At least that’s what Pinterest, Google and Amazon would like you to believe. Why type in a description of what you’re looking for when you can just aim your camera at your object of desire? Read More
Branded content is undergoing its own pivot to video, putting the squeeze on traditional publishers that were already facing rising competition for those marketing dollars and battling low profit margins. Now, they find themselves battling it out with entertainment studios and production houses that are also piling into the market for original digital video.
Autonomous and connected vehicles could create unprecedented new media and entertainment options for passengers. For marketers and media companies, it’s not too soon to begin rethinking the transit experience. Read More
Email marketing is one of the original and often most successful forms of digital marketing. But email is kind of like your favorite restaurant—just because it’s popular doesn’t mean you can let quality slide. One bad meal (or email) can have damaging effects on a brand.
We’ve all received a marketing email with a blatant spelling error or broken link. It happens, but it doesn’t do much for the credibility of the sender, and it might just go straight to the trash. Read More
Jonny Peters says it’ll take more than new devices for VR advertising to really take off.
I did something this past weekend I’ve never done before: I binge watched an entire season of a show on Netflix in one sitting. Yes, it was Stranger Things; yes, I know it’s only eight episodes; and yes, I know I’m a year late to the party. But better late than never, and once I started, I couldn’t stop.
Qantas has launched a campaign targeting US travellers by offering to pay for their passports.
Billboards are thought of as a traditional form of advertising that aren’t as relevant to our 21st century screen focused world. But one of the world’s most popular brands has combined innovative new technology with classic billboard advertising. In August, Coca-Cola unveiled the world’s first and largest3D robotic billboard in Times Square.
A new Adobe survey finds that junior creatives tend to think AI is going to augment their abilities, while senior creatives think it’s coming for their jobs.
Is artificial intelligence coming for designers’ jobs?