Knowledge @ ISD Global

How to Back Up Your Most Important Emails

By | ISDose | No Comments

Google, Microsoft, or Apple may deliver and store your emails, but the most valuable ones deserve a second home, just in case.

WE’RE ALL USED to having all our emails available in the cloud all the time, easily searchable and on all of our devices. But there are multiple points of failure to think about—what happens if something in the cloud breaks, or your connection to the internet does? What if your account gets banned or closed for whatever reason, and all of your email goes with it? Read More

Creating a Better Audience Experience: Oli Gardner on Marketing Smarts [Podcast]

By | ISDose | No Comments

Audience-MarketingIf standard email marketing templates are so cringy and boring, why do so many companies use them? Are people clicking through just to be nice?

Good question. And it’s one of many that we address in the latest episode of Marketing Smarts with Oli Gardner, founder of Be the Keynote and co-founder of Unbounce.

Oli hates crappy marketing and often gets angry about public bathrooms, too. He also has some choice advice about how to become a speaker and thought leader full-time.

“If you ever do a webinar, stand up.” And wave your arms around. Read More

8760 Hours: How Humans Spend Their Most Valuable Resource

By | ISDose | No Comments

Time is our most valuable and least renewable resource.

  • Everybody has the same amount, but nobody ever seems to have enough
  • Unlike money, you can’t save time in an interest-bearing account where the amount you have increases because of compound interest.

We download productivity apps, implement productivity hacks and read time management books to save time. But our current paradigm of time management is based on a false premise.
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