How can you get prospects to engage with your follow-up emails?
One way to spark interest is with a great subject line. Read More
How can you get prospects to engage with your follow-up emails?
One way to spark interest is with a great subject line. Read More
Nano Tools for Leaders® — a collaboration between Wharton Executive Education and Wharton’s Center for Leadership and Change Management — are fast, effective leadership tools that you can learn and start using in less than 15 minutes, with the potential to significantly impact your success as a leader and the engagement and productivity of the people you lead.
Let’s face it. People are sick and tired of being treated as part of a generalized customer segment. After all, we’re individuals with different values and interests. We want to take a stand on important issues and will choose companies that reflect and support them. We don’t want to receive boneheaded marketing messages that expose a brand’s cluelessness about us.
Most importantly, we want to feel special. Read More
Wharton management professor Jacqueline “Jax” Kirtley isn’t making any predictions about when or how the Great Resignation will end.
Nearly 4.3 million Americans quit their jobs in August, the highest number on record since the government began collecting data 20 years ago. The quit rate coincides with a dramatic surge in applications for new businesses since the COVID-19 pandemic began, mostly for sole-proprietor ventures. Read More
In their book The Strategic Leader’s Roadmap, Revised and Updated Edition: 6 Steps for Integrating Leadership and Strategy, Wharton management professors Harbir Singh and Michael Useem draw on one-on-one interviews and their own research to take readers into the offices — and mindsets — of some of today’s foremost strategic leaders.
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Imagine at a point in the near future, you are taking your daily trip through the metaverse when you encounter Colin Kaepernick. It’s not the flesh-and-blood Colin Kaepernick, but a digital avatar of the former NFL star. As you interact with Kaepernick, Nike, Kaepernick’s sponsor, becomes part of the experience. Whether you’re a Nike fan or not, his presence at least affirms the brand’s identity and story. Read More
A study of movie development shows the dangers of late-stage handoffs.
Justin Berg has watched Back to the Future at least 25 times. Same with the DVD special features — the voiceovers and backstory and interviews. It’s his favorite movie, and he’s long believed that part of the film’s greatness is attributable to the fact that writer-director Robert Zemeckis oversaw the project’s full arc, from birth to release. Read More
For the first time ever, the $133 billion coffee giant Starbucks and the $1.8 trillion dollar retail behemoth Amazon are teaming up on a joint store. It’s one part Starbucks, one part Amazon Go—and opens today in New York City, at 59th Street between Park and Lexington avenues.
Is branded content marketing dead?
Research indicates that it’s very much alive—it’s set to grow by $417 billion by 2025—and very much worth investing in. According to marketing platform Semrush, brands using content marketing generate 97% more backlinks and land 434% more search engine results pages—resulting in five times as many sales leads. Read More
Having been privy to the lead management processes of hundreds of B2B organizations of every stripe, I would estimate that at least half have internal demand funnel (AKA waterfall) stages that combine stages of their sales process with what are really stages of the buyer journey.
The difference between those two seemingly similar constructs is vital. They are not only different, but often badly misaligned, and that misalignment is one of the most common causes of inconsistent revenue team performance. Read More