UnVEILing: A Novelist par excellence

By August 19, 2022ISDose

If you have written 10 books (including Reap3rVeil,
Neon Fever DreamExit Strategy
Power Play, and Version 1.0), which have won both critical and popular acclaim, and continue to churn out thought provoking content with high velocity and substance, then you are definitely Eliot Peper.

Eliot Peper is a novelist based in Oakland, California and the co-creator of the award-winning True Blue website and the critically acclaimed game, Machine Learning President. Apart from earning praise from New York Times Book ReviewBBCPopular ScienceBusinessweekSan Francisco MagazineNewsweekPublisher’s Weekly etc, he also publishes a blog(https://eliotpeper.com/blog) and broadcasts a monthly newsletter wherein he encourages subscribers with recommended readings while penning his journey as a writer.

BrandKnew, published by branding agency ISD Global, had a freewheeling straight off the bat conversation with Eliot and what followed was inspiring and uplifting. Watch Eliot in long form dialogue with Suresh Dinakaran, Managing Editor, BrandKnew here..


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