A REAL entrepreneur. Worth his weight in gold!

By March 8, 2022ISDose


Dynamic. Authentic. Real. Progressive. Visionary. These are some descriptions that sit very easily with Atif Rahman. Founder & Chairman of ORO24. Atif is a man in a hurry and defies the stereotypical real estate entrepreneur persona completely.


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Atif is all out to create ‘ the Apple of the Real estate industry with ORO24 ‘. And he is leaving no stone unturned to get to where he wants to. That is, create a gold standard in real estate be it developments, facilities or investments. Suresh Dinakaran,Chief StorytellerISD Global and Managing EditorBrandKnew got a chance to engage in a high energy, stimulating tete-a-tete with Atif Rahman. Watch the conversation here.



Suresh Dinakaran
Suresh Dinakaran is the Chief Storyteller at ISD Global, a brand strategy & creative ideations entity based out of Dubai and Managing Editor, BrandKnew. With over two decades of insights, expertise and experience in building and growing brands across multiple geographies and media platforms. Passionate about innovation, disruptive ideations, creative leadership and imaging the future apart from writing, movies, music and sports. He can be reached on suresh@groupisd.com

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